After an extensive career both in the courts and in the most prestigious Argentinian law firms, we have founded Estrada & Canale. Our mission is to keep providing high quality legal services in a tailored, swift and efficient way.


Mariano de Estrada

Mariano Enrique de Estrada

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 30th 1972.


Di Tella University (Executive Legal Education – Complex Litigation before the Supreme Court – 2014)

Austral University (LLM - 2002)

Argentinean Catholic University, School of Law (Lawyer - 1995)


Spanish and English

Professional activity

For 20 years he was a member of Bulló Abogados, the last 8 as partner in charge of one of the Class Actions and Complex Litigation teams. Previously he managed one of the Corporate and Banking Law teams at the firm.

Prior to that he worked for 5 years in different positions at the judiciary.


- International Bar Association (Chair of the Consumer Litigation Committee during 2015-2016 and vice-chair of the same committee during 2013-2014).

- City of Buenos Aires Bar Association (Chair of the Consumer Law Committee between 2011 and 2015)

- Banks’ Lawyers Committee

- Public Bar Association

- Catholic Lawyers Corporation

Fernanda Canale

Fernanda Canale

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on February 2nd 1980.


Argentinean Catholic University (LLM - 2011)

University of Buenos Aires, School of Law (Lawyer - 2004)


Spanish and English

Professional activity

She was member of Bulló Abogados for 16 years, the last ones acting as manager of one of the Class Actions and Complex Litigation teams. Previously she formed part of the Bankruptcy and Debt Restructuring team, as well as of the special department in charge of handling litigation arising from economic emergency laws.

Before joining Bulló Abogados, she worked for 3 years as a law clerk.



Class Actions and Complex Litigation

We have been participating in different kinds of class actions since the enactment of the regulation that established those proceedings in Argentina. We have succeeded in obtaining favorable rulings to our clients and, when advisable, we have successfully negotiated settlements that were approved by the courts. Our practice also includes all types of litigation related to maters such as banking law, insurance law, securities law, civil liability, consumer law, defective products, professional malpractice, IP, contracts, and corporations, among others.


Consumer Law and Product Liability Law

We have a deep knowledge in all kinds of matters related to Consumer Law in general, as well as in everything connected to financial consumers and product liability matters, having participated in proceedings before judicial courts and regulators. We provide legal advising aiming at preventing consumer claims, and we take care of judicial and administrative proceedings from their beginning to the final stages before the Supreme Court, when necessary. We also review contracts, forms and other documents, as well as web sites and advertising to identify and correct potential infringements.


Banking Law and Capital Markets

Our expertise in the banking and financial industry allows us to provide legal counseling in those matters as well as to participate in all kinds of disputes regarding this matter.


Insurance and reinsurance

We provide legal advice in insurance and reinsurance matters, having worked with many of the most important companies in our country in relation with a variety of losses. We regularly draft insurance policies and we provide a policy review service to determine whether the coverage is adequate or not.


Regulatory and Administrative Law

We take care of all kinds of matters before regulators of different industries such as banking, insurance, medical care, anti-trust, among other agencies.


Civil Liability and Professional Malpractice

We handle judicial and out-of-court cases related to civil liability, and medical or professional malpractice.


Debt Restructuring, Bankruptcy and Debt Recovery

Our firm participates in judicial and out-of-court debt restructuring proceedings, syndicated loans, and debt collection proceedings.



We advise in succession matters and estate planning aiming at preventing family conflicts through the careful drafting and designing of legal documents and vehicles. We work in partnership with experienced local and international tax advisors.


Civil Law

We give advice and participate in disputes ruled by the Civil Law such related to matters such as real estate, condominiums, civil liability and family matters, among others.


International and Local Reach

During our career we have developed strong ties with relevant law firms in the most important provinces of our country, as well as in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, México, Paraguay, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of América, and Uruguay. Therefore, we are able to provide legal services in cooperation with the firms established in those jurisdictions.


Labor Law

We advise individuals and corporations in relation with labor regulation and labor liability, participating in court and out-of-court disputes.


Compliance and Anti-corruption

Our firm gives advice in matters related to fraud prevention and local and international rules compliance. We also participate in judicial and administrative investigations related to these issues on behalf of corporations and their officers. We also have alliances with trusted colleagues experts in criminal law to count with their assistance when necessary.


Banking Law and Capital Markets

Our expertise in the banking and financial industry allows us to provide legal counseling in those matters as well as to participate in all kinds of disputes regarding this matter.


External Counseling to In-house Teams

We have designed a service to counsel and support in-house teams in matters that exceed their capacity due to temporary work overflow caused by situations such as mergers or restructurings, or when the participation of an external lawyer is convenient.


Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: (54-9-11) 4073-1564
Email: info@estradacanale.com.ar